Pride month 2022: The Co-op is giving away Pride Boxes to support community events in Falmouth
To celebrate pride this year the Co-op is giving away free Pride Boxes to support community events in Falmouth.
By Joseph Macey
Posted: Wednesday, 27th April 2022 8:35 am

Are you involved in organising a Pride event in Falmouth? To celebrate Pride this year the Co-op is offering free Pride Boxes to community events in Falmouth Co-op has been flying the rainbow flag in support of Pride since 2010, #PrideInCoop.
In support of Pride month in June and LGBTQ+ causes, the Co-op will give away Pride Boxes to help make local Pride events a success. Each branded box contains 20 hand-held flags, 10 sticker sheets, 15 badges, and four packs of bunting.

If you'd like to request a Pride Box for a community event in Falmouth email [email protected] with details of the event and the name and address to send the Pride Box to (please write Pride Box in the subject line).
Get your request in early to bag a box. The closing date for Pride Box requests is Sunday 1st May.

The Co-op has a long history of campaigning for equal rights and was the only retailer to speak in Parliament in support of the Equal Marriage Bill.
The Co-op has also been included in the Stonewall Workplace Equality Index for more than 10 years.

Pride Month is celebrated in commemoration of the Stonewall uprising in New York in 1969, which sparked the first major demonstrations for gay rights. A year later, to mark the anniversary of the events on June 28th 1970, the first gay pride marches took place in America. Today, Pride celebrations are held across the world from March until September.