New landlord licensing scheme for privately rented homes could be introduced in Falmouth and Penryn
![Landlord licensing scheme could be introduced in Falmouth and Penryn. Landlord licensing scheme could be introduced in Falmouth and Penryn.](
The possibility of further landlord licensing schemes for several towns in Cornwall in an effort to improve the quality of privately rented housing and help tenants is to be explored following a Cornwall Council inquiry - planned to be rolled out in Falmouth and Penryn.
An inquiry in 2019 was undertaken to look into what could be done to address concerns about the quality of privately rented housing in the Duchy.
The inquiry looked at concerns such as poor property conditions, high levels of anti-social behaviour, and that many of Cornwall's privately rented homes lie within areas of deprivation.
Challenges associated with the private rental sector that came to light included high levels of fuel poverty and a disparity between incomes and rents, together with housing benefit allowances that do not cover rental costs.
Covid-19 has added to these pressures, with some tenants struggling to meet rental costs and some landlords reportedly seeking possession of their properties when restrictions are relaxed.
The Council's Portfolio Holder for Homes, Andrew Mitchell, has now accepted the recommendations of the inquiry.
As well as plans to lobby MPs and the Government to work to improve standards in the sector, work will now be done towards consulting on the possibility of introducing licensing schemes covering Penzance, Newquay, Camborne, Pool, Redruth, Falmouth and Penryn.
The Council will also lobby the Government to make three-year tenancies standard, to give tenants more security.
Andrew Mitchell added:
"Cornwall's Private Rented Sector continues to grow and currently covers 37,500 properties – around 18 per cent of all housing in Cornwall.
"That matches the national trend and privately rented homes are an extremely important part of our housing market, so we must do all we can to make sure it provides safe and warm homes for people."
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