Plans for Falmouth North Parade development granted approval

Plans to demolish an existing building and erection of 7 dwellings on North Parade have been granted permission this week (subject to conditions).
The development will see the demolition of one house and construction of 5 apartments and 2 houses with associated parking and landscaped amenity space.
The development is a controversial one with residents voicing their concerns over the previous plans due to height, visual impact, siting, overshadowing and loss of light.
Those plans were withdrawn with concerns regarding the scale of
development and its impact on the character of the area - but revised plans were submitted. A concluding document read: "The applicant is considered to have responded positively to the concerns previously raised and has redesigned the scheme in order to reduce its impact, which has satisfactorily addressed the officer's concerns in this regard. "The applicant has been asked by officers to amend the current scheme in order to address concerns regarding potential overlooking of neighbouring residential properties in response to some of the objections received. "The applicant has submitted amended drawings showing amendments to the scheme including redesigning the balconies on the rear elevation of the proposed apartment building and the introduction of screens to the flanks of the balconies, and these amendments are considered by officers to have reduced the potential for harmful overlooking of neighbouring properties. "I have carefully considered the comments received from consultees and from members of the public, but none of the issues raised lead me to any conclusion other than planning permission should be approved." Falmouth Town Council commented: "Recommend approval. NDP Policies DG2 'development generally' and DG4 'design and local distinctiveness outside the historic core' apply. The proposal conforms to NDP policies, and the design has been carefully thought out."Some of the conditions for the development include:
- Shall be constructed with a maximum height no higher than 900mm above the adjacent carriageway.
- Before any dwelling hereby permitted is first occupied, the parking and turning areas serving that dwelling shall be laid out and constructed in accordance with the approved plans and the said areas shall not thereafter be obstructed or used for any other purpose.
- Prior to the occupation of the apartment building the privacy screens to the balconies and terraces shall be erected in accordance with the details shown on drawing no. The privacy screens shall thereafter be retained without alteration.
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