Falmouth and Penryn business owners: Add your company to our directory for a free advert

The Falmouth Nub News Local List is a FREE register of businesses in the Falmouth and Penryn area.
Even non-profits, organisations, and charities can sign up.
It is a cost-free way to get your name out there, to potentially be seen by our thousands of readers.
Why not give yourself a free advert this Christmas?
We have nearly 150 local businesses signed up so far and we want to sign even more up for free advertising and promotion.
How can I sign up?
It takes just a few simple steps. You'll be done in a minute!
Then just press the small black 'Nub It' button at the top of the page, which has a red pin icon on it.
Finally, please fill in a few details about your business and submit them to us. This could be where you are located, what you sell, and a photo of your business.
We will then review your words and publish your company on our Local List and a free ad is on the way. We can also post about you joining our post to social media.
Why should I sign up?
You'll be published and advertised on our website, which is read by tens of thousands of Falmouth residents every week. And remember, it costs you nothing!
Plus, we will regularly feature you in articles – we like to think of your local listing as the start of a working partnership.
Have something you want us to report on? Just ask!
Here at Falmouth Nub News, we are dedicated to supporting local businesses in every way we can.
So please list yourself on our site and get involved!
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