Bid to demolish farm sheds and build new houses near Penryn

By Joseph Macey

8th Jun 2022 | Local News

Here's how one of the new dwellings could look. Chynoweth Farmyard Longdowns. Credit: Andy Latham.
Here's how one of the new dwellings could look. Chynoweth Farmyard Longdowns. Credit: Andy Latham.

Planning permission is being sought to demolish farm sheds in Longdowns and construct new houses.

Submitted by M&A Associates on behalf of Mr Whiston (the applicant) - the application is for the demolition of existing barns and tractor sheds and construction of two detached dwellings at Chynoweth Farmyard.

The application says that the current barns on the site are run down and the new dwellings will sit well within the village. There is already a similar pair of recently approved dwellings next door.

"The dwellings will have adequate parking and turning space and sufficient amenity space for the size of the dwellings. The buildings will not cause overlooking to the neighbouring properties," the applicant states.

Here's how one of the new dwellings could look. Chynoweth Farmyard Longdowns. Credit: Andy Latham.

There is thought to be sufficient visibility in both directions to not impact highway safety.

The applicant adds: "The proposed materials and finishes of the building have been chosen to complement the neighbouring built environment using matching PVC window and door frames. The scale of the re-development is felt to be in keeping with the size of the plot.

"It is felt that the proposal will have no impact upon the area as it will be within the general built up area of the village."

The status of the application is "awaiting decision"

Click here to see the plans for yourself.


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