Falmouth Town Council launches website for Church Street car park plans

After Falmouth Town Council announced plans to further explore the potential offered by Church Street Car Park, a number of dates were given to the public to come and express their views, and looking at the plans proposed by the council, there are still three dates available:
- Tuesday 25th of October: 10 am - 4 pm - The Princess Pavilion( Bring the children they and they can take part in free artist-led cardboard cut-out workshop)
- Wednesday 26th of October 10 am - 4 pm - The Art Gallery/Libary Lobby
- Thursday 27th October 10 am - 4 pm - The Princess Pavilion
But after lots of feedback from locals wanting a clearer and easier way to find the information Falmouth Town Council have launched a website dedicated to the Church Street Waterfront car park.
The website lays out the five options on offer with a survey that people can take to express their views, there is also extra information and answers to frequently asked questions.
Councillor Kirstie Edwards- Deputy Mayor for Falmouth shared the news of the website on her social media while answering a question put forward by many 'why can't it just stay as a car park?' the Deputy Mayor explained that Cornwall Council still owns the car park and will only devolve it to Falmouth Town Council if it is no longer a car park.
"As this consultation is about exploring the future of Church St Car Park on the basis that it's no longer allowed to be used as a car park. It's also worth noting keeping it as a car park goes against the pedestrian priority and environmental/sustainable aspirations the Falmouth NDP has for the future of Falmouth High Street. Which was voted in overwhelmingly in favour last year." She added.
So, let's take a look at some of the options:
Option 1 – This is being described as a 'light touch' using the space for temporary events and pop-ups while still allowing car access outside of 11 am- 4 pm and in the winter months.
Option 2 – This option has three different layouts in mind that are shown on the website, but the ideas are all the same. Building permanent low-rise structures, for commercial use, a maritime office, retail and leisure, and first-floor offices.
Option 3 – This involves building more than in option 2 but making sure they are temporary or portable such as Shipping containers, cycle and events storage, flexible space with a restriction on all buildings to 2 storeys with retail and food on one floor and commercial on the other.
Option 4 – Building structures across the entirety of the site with designated space for public events, create better access to the water, 2-storey builds the same as in option 3.
Option 5 – This option gives locals more of a chance to help create a unique space, an extended pier with a public park, a piazza, a covered structure for events such as film screenings, or a hotel with outdoor seating and views of the waterfront.
For more information about each plan or to have your say in the survey visit the website Here.