Listening Day
Palacio Lounge, Falmouth
UNTIL Thursday 18th November

Georgia's Voice in Cornwall and S.T.O.R.M. in London have collaborated for a very special day. On Thursday, November 18th, they are hosting the launch of National Listening Day. This day is all about giving a voice to our young people to speak about any struggles that they may be going through, for the betterment of their mental health and overall wellbeing.
Those working with, alongside, and for young people can also come along to get information if you are concerned about the mental health of someone you care for, live with or teach.
Georgia's Voice invite you to come along and grab a free hot drink and a bite to eat, and chat to some of the amazing people behind the wonderful mental health organisations we have here in Cornwall.
Confirmed attending are:
Your VoiceGeorgia's Voice
Sea SanctuaryCornwall Mind
LGBTQ+ foundation trust All are attending because they want to LISTEN to young people. Each organisation will have plenty of information on their services to takeaway too. Georgia's Voice are so honoured to be collaborating with Marie Hanson MBE for this campaign, from S.T.O.R.M. Times: 12pm - 4:30pmShare: