Falmouth Town Council's Monthly Resident Surgery
Council Chambers, Municipal Building, The Moor
Community Events
UNTIL Friday 26th August

Falmouth Town Council's next resident surgery will take place this Friday 26th August 2022 from 10am - 12pm in the Council Chamber of the Municipal Buildings on The Moor.
Surgeries are an opportunity for residents to meet their local Councillors face-to-face to discuss any questions or issues they may have. They are also an opportunity for the council to receive feedback on services.
This month's surgery will be attended by Councillor Kirkham CC, and Councillor Chin-Quee BEM. Also in attendance will be Mark Williams, Town Clerk, as well as a representative from Devon and Cornwall Police, Cormac and Falmouth and Exeter Universities.
Anyone wishing to attend can make an appointment beforehand by contacting Falmouth Town Council ( [email protected] / 01326 315559), or people can drop in on the day. If residents are unable to make the meeting, they are always welcome to email Councillors directly. All contact details for Falmouth Town Councillors can be found on the Falmouth Town Council website: www.falmouthtowncouncil.com
Next month's resident's surgery will take place on Friday 24th September 2022.