Swan freed from fishing line at Argal Lake

This morning, a swan was freed from a fishing line on Argal Lake by local student vet nurse Chloe-Mai Burrows and a team of volunteers.
Chloe got in touch with Nub News urging people to keep an eye out for the swan - and after 4 days of trying they finally caught the swan.
He was found with a fishing line coming from his mouth with a hook attached. He was unable to eat and would spit out any food he picked up.
After a short while of wrestling, they had him restrained and could get a good look at the damage.
Chloe Mai told Nub News:
"Luckily the hook was stuck in his tongue as we feared he had swallowed it and it was down his oesophagus. The end was barbed which meant it was truly stuck but we were able to remove it with wire cutters.
"It's so important to pick up any litter and unwanted fishing equipment as this is a prime example of what happens.
"He also had 2 floats attached to the line but was able to break this off on Wednesday as the line was getting wrapped around his wings and putting more tension on the hook.
"We were lucky that we could catch him before he got too weak and that the hook was embedded in his mouth rather than being swallowed."
Click here. to see more from Chloe-Mai's Wildlife Rescue.
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