Local over-50s can now book first vaccine appointment

The vaccine rollout in the UK continues to pick up pace.
Over 50s can now book their first COVID-19 vaccination.
Vaccinating this age group means that the top nine priority groups will all have received their first jab.
The two jabs are spread 12 weeks apart so the most vulnerable will soon start to receive their second dose.
The government's target for vaccinating the over 50s was mid-April but that should be met early.
Every adult should be vaccinated by July.
You can also access the vaccine if you are a frontline health or social care worker, if you are classed as clinically vulnerable or extremely vulnerable to the disease, if you have a learning disability or if you are the main carer of someone who is at high risk.
You can book your vaccine HERE.
By contacting the national booking service you will gain access to flexible appointments at other local vaccination services 7 days per week from 9am – 11pm. Alternatively, you can wait to be contacted by your GP practice.
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